Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Even the Drummonds blog these days.....

Ah yes - Following on from David McCarthy - I have procrastinated for so long that my plans to set up a web site merely for communication purposes has been overtaken by technology such that there is no need for too much HTML and low and behold I am able to simply blog. Phenomenal.

There seems to be so much happening on a daily basis at the moment. Much of it from this wee 2m x 75cm room that I have been entrenched in writing this PhD. Our house plans are full steam ahead ........its taken a long time but its certainly keeping Suzie happy looking at books with taps and sinks and tiles. Hannah is excited as Auntie Claire is coming down tonight for a course! Aaron is eating like a horse and Laura is through next weekend.

.......I'm off to type.....

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