Ahh blogsphere its been some time since the tinkling of the keyboard here has been possible. We moved back in about three weeks ago but had real problems with the phone lines, wireless and ADSL fliters and many geekesque things that have slowed me down. Suffice to say that many hours between myself, BT, Sitecom router and a firm from Bearsden who put the new wires in and a long chat to Wanadoo and low and behold its all working!
The workmen continue but are on their last legs - as are Suzie and I and hopefully another few weeks should complete things. We have learnt a lot and lived in a wee flat in the South side for 4 months which we thoroughly enjoyed......its great to have the HiFi back and the AGA and communion table combo has been much enjoyed. The boys from our church group came round for stew, wine, beers and singing and utilised the facilities.
Aaron is now walking and very pleased with himself. He has not stopped eating for the past few months. Hannah and Laura are very pleased to be back in the house too.
Must dash as I am off to try and fininish a talk I am giving in Washington DC on Monday