Wednesday, April 11, 2007

7-1, Lack of Blogs and impending birth

Ahh blogesphere - I appreciate that I have been a pretty poor blogger over the past few months but things have been pretty hectic. I will not bore you with the details of what has occupied my waking hours and the wee small hours but a few highlights.

1) Birmingham - British Endocrine Society.
2) Glasgow - Diabetes UK.
3) First Draft of PhD finally finished.
4) Currently spending a month in ITU.
5) Some great gigs Arcade Fire (Glasgow 97/100), Kristin Hersch (83/100 Birmingham, 84/100 Glasgow review, review, review) and Faithless (63/100).
6) Blair Drummond Safari Park.

a number of people have echoed their frustration at my paucity and hence I will attempt to rectify this as soon as possible, Up and coming blogs will include Podcasts, Top 10 gigs, Films and an update on Laura, Hannah and Aaron and who will arrive very very soon.

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